Thursday 26 November 2009

Nehemiah Part A: Panel 2

Panel numero two of Nehmiah. He makes an appearance here, as the sad lookinmg guy on the right hand side. :)

I quite like this panel, although I'm probably gonna work on King Artaxerxes a bit more, cause I forgot to add shading to his face and hands - oops! I was up till 2 am colouring in his bling though XD and adapting neghemiah's clothing and physique so he doesn't look like he's wearing a dress lol

Kinda funny now, but last night it was not, let me tell you XD

On a side note - I recently bought Dial A Song - the greatest hits album from They Might Be Giants. And you know what?
It. Is. AWESOME! ^_^ Totally crazy and surreal, but really terrific. I have a love of quirky and odd-ball songs, and their stuff has a nice balance between the wacky and the real. Plus, musically they're really interestign to listen to, with a wide variety of styles and instruments coming into play. They rock - no other way to describe them ^_^ so yeah, go listen to their stuff!

My current especially fav songs: Why Does The Sun Shine? (the Sun is a mass of Incandescent Gas), New York City, and I Should Be Allowed To Think.


Tuesday 24 November 2009

Nehemiah Part A: Panel 1

Panel one - which I soent most of the day doing...

... not super quick progress, but I think it was one of the more difficult ones, what with my lack of gifting when it comes to drawing enviroments. i think it turned out okay, although part of me still thinks it looks a tad bland.... maybe just the lack of faces. Hopefully will find out when i do the next few panels which will have expressions in them :)


Monday 23 November 2009

Bible Timeline!

Here is the fruit of several days' labour - a timeline of the entire Bible! *phew*

For using with my uni artworks project

I also made one colour-coded by type of book: history, law etc. but my internet hates me and won't upload it XD

Maybe tomorrow...

Saturday 21 November 2009

Monday 16 November 2009

Spellguard Map - In digital!

Here's a digital version of The Spellguard map -Inked, colour coded and annotated for your viewing pleasure :D

Also FYI, There is no number 8 on purpose :P I meant to miss it out all along, so the players could invent somewhere. that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Saturday 14 November 2009

Nehemiah Panel Plan 1 b

The second half of my Nehemiah part one story :) I would upload the animated flash tester of the first half (that was what I did yesterday) but I dont think I can upload flash files to here :/


Thursday 12 November 2009

Nehemiah Panel Plan 1 a

Here's what I did today - aside from meeting my tutor to discuss my dissertation, having lunch with Amanda, helping at a kids club and ordering a comic off ebay =D

It's a panel-layout-plan for part of my artworks project. gonna use it to test my flash techniques tomorrow =/ Hopefully it will work lol


Sunday 8 November 2009

Spellguard Pencil Sketch

Here's a pencil sketch/basic map of Spellguard, our DnD caharcetr's HQ :D Enjoy!

Friday 6 November 2009

More Nehemiah sketches

Here's some more development sketches for my artworks project. On the left page we have Nehemiah, the main dude, along with Ezra the scribe. On the right are the villains of the story: Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite!

XD Tobiah's face on the bottom right cracks me up XD It's when he's making a joke about the wall that nehemiah and the rest of the israelites are building.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Artworks development sketches

Here's some very preliminary and brian-stormy sketches for my artworks project. I'm gonna start by doing a series of comics on Nehemiah, so I'll need to read and re-read the book and do some visual reserach too.

Sorry for lack of updates. I have actually been doodling just about every day, but have never made it through to my computer to upload them. Oops :(