Thursday 26 November 2009

Nehemiah Part A: Panel 2

Panel numero two of Nehmiah. He makes an appearance here, as the sad lookinmg guy on the right hand side. :)

I quite like this panel, although I'm probably gonna work on King Artaxerxes a bit more, cause I forgot to add shading to his face and hands - oops! I was up till 2 am colouring in his bling though XD and adapting neghemiah's clothing and physique so he doesn't look like he's wearing a dress lol

Kinda funny now, but last night it was not, let me tell you XD

On a side note - I recently bought Dial A Song - the greatest hits album from They Might Be Giants. And you know what?
It. Is. AWESOME! ^_^ Totally crazy and surreal, but really terrific. I have a love of quirky and odd-ball songs, and their stuff has a nice balance between the wacky and the real. Plus, musically they're really interestign to listen to, with a wide variety of styles and instruments coming into play. They rock - no other way to describe them ^_^ so yeah, go listen to their stuff!

My current especially fav songs: Why Does The Sun Shine? (the Sun is a mass of Incandescent Gas), New York City, and I Should Be Allowed To Think.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am currently working on a Vacation Bible School project for 2013 which will reach 25,000 children in Mexico. I could use some artwork for this project - especially black and white coloring sheets. Are you available to help? We give the material away for free to 250 churches.
