Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Doodle #8: Quinzel - Stage 1

Here's a pencil sketch of Quinzel, my gnome sorceress from DnD. I'm gonna work on this doodle a little bit more over the next couple of days, until I have a nice finished image :D Exciting!

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Doodle #7: It's Perry! Perry the Platypus!

What can I say... I'm a Phineas and Ferb fan :)

Can't talk much now, need to finish planning my dungeon which starts on saturday =D Exciting! I'll attempt to chronicle last nights awesome sword 'n' sorcery romp in a short comic at some point, but not today :) Toodles!

Monday, 28 September 2009

Doodle #6: The Beetle!!!!

I promised and I delivered: this blogs first proper piece of artwork XD

Copied an image from one of my dad's national geographics using water colour crayons - I really like it actually :) Hope you do too


XD Woohoo!

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Doodle #5: My first kids talk

This is me doing a kids talk at church this morning. If you look closely you'll notice the anime sweatdrops and shaking hands :D I get nervous when I do public speaking (Who doesn't?)

Still, was glad I did it. :) It's good to push myself out of my safe zone when I can... maybe I should use this philosophy when producing doodles for this blog...

That's it! tomorrow I shall not revert to my good old safe black biro, but shall produce an image using a wild and crazy art material! Haha! XD

Other things to look forward to tomorrow: Going to see Inglorious Basterds and PLAYING DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS!!!!!! XD Cannot wait!

That's all for now - keep it real!

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Doodle #4: Sir Noremac!

Today's doodle (Ha! Bet you thought I forgot!) is of my lil bro's dungeons and dragons character, Sir Noremac the Dragonborn Paladin. He is very badass, and also lawful good. So beware. He will kick your butt most politely, and make you a cup of tea afterwards. And then maybe kick your butt again. Then breathe his wrathful dragonborn fire all over you. And donate all your possessions to charity :)

The main focus of my idea was about giving him a visor of some kind, which is why think the head looks pretty good and the proportion of the body is a little out. I still like it though.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Doodle #3: Attack of the Skellington! (and Fuzzles...)

A sketch I did while waiting to enroll for my uni classes today. It's the skeleton that's the bad guy in my final year 3D animation, coming soon to the internet near you!!!! (at the end of next semester...)

Although he seems to be being followed by a small furry bird-like creature XD

Sorry for the bad quality image here - camera was blurry

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Doodle #2: Against the Giants!

Today's image shows a young princess gazing dreamily out her tree-house, unaware that the Flesh-Lump-Eater is about to impale and hungrily devour her. It is an incisive piece which contrasts the joy and horror of childhood :) And unlike yesterdays biro pen doodle this piece required colouring in, scanning, and photoshop skills. How fancy!

Doodle #1: It's Batman!

Number one is done! I just decided to do a quick copy/sketch of something which was right next to me, so here's a doodle of the Dark Knight himself from the cover of Batman:Year One by Frank Millar and David Mazzucchelli, done in black biro on the back pages of my diary (which coincidently doubles as my Dungeons and Dragons adventure-planning journal).

The graphic novel arrived fresh from amazon yesterday and I intend to read it and possibly include it as a source in my dissertation this year. Which is about superhero comics and their relevance in today's society. Y'know, just in case you were wondering...

Also: I've read the first few pages and I have to say I'm loving it so far :) Just, y'know, incase you were wondering that too...

Until tomorrow!


Wednesday, 23 September 2009

The Challenge!

I am a twenty year old art student who is still struggling to translate my creative ideas from my head into reality, and I figure my final year is as good a time as any to try and teach myself good working habits.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not scatter brained or bad at time-management. I always meet deadlines for uni projects. I organise everything from dramas to discussion questions for the various things I help at at my church. I can even make sure the dinner's ready on time (Mostly). I just can't produce creative work off my own back very easily.

So - my challenge to myself: To produce at least one piece of artwork every day, even if it's just a doodle. Hopefully leading to an increase in personal creative productivity and development of good working habits.

My new motto: A doodle a day keeps stagnation away!

Here it goes!